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Audio Communication
Submitted by escs on 28 October 2021
Scientific area


Audiovisual and Multimedia

Responsible teacher
Teachers who teach

The Audio Communication CU serves as an introduction to the main notions, technologies and practices associated with the communication processes in which audio is an integral part. For this purpose, the development of the following skills is proposed:

a. theoretical knowledge and practical experience in sound mic up and recording;

b. acquisition, processing and application of audio in audiovisual and multimedia contexts;

c. characterization of sound design for different communication formats: radio, TV, cinema, games, web and mobile applications;

d. notion of professional sound editing, processing and mixing procedures in the context of post-production for audiovisual and multimedia;

e. understanding of teamwork practices;

f. critical assessment of the different multimodality regimes that characterize the audiovisual and multimedia market;

g. reflection on the meaning and production of content present in the different processes of audio communication.